Returns of irregular immigrants higher this year, according to data

Returns of irregular immigrants are in 2024 higher compared to 2023, as a result of the measures taken by the government, according to information from the Interior Ministry regarding returns and arrivals of irregular migrants, for the period January – April 2023 and 2024.

It says that for that period 2,348 returns took place in 2023, while 3,337 returns were made in 2024. In relation to arrivals, in 2023 there were 3,522 irregular migrants who arrived in Cyprus, while this year their number reaches 3,703.

According to data, arrivals in both years remain at the same level – slightly more in 2024. In relation to returns, almost 1,000 more were made in 2024, as a result of the measures taken by the government, it is added.

It is recalled that, among other things, cooperation with Frontex was strengthened, as well as the program of voluntary returns with the granting of a financial incentive, which ranges from pound 1,000 to pound 1,500, depending on the country of origin.

Moreover, it says that construction
works are underway for the creation of a pre-departure center with the capacity to host approximately 800 people, in order to allow for larger-scale operations for the arrest of immigrants, whose application has been definitively rejected and who remain or work in Cyprus illegally.

Source: Cyprus News Agency