Eurostat: Full time researchers increased by 67% in Cyprus since 2010

The number of full-time researchers in Cyprus increased by 67% over the last ten years, according to data published by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical service.

In the EU member states, the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) researchers has reached 1.89 million, 546 thousand more compared with 2010.

In the EU, most researchers worked in the business enterprise sector (55%) and the higher education sector (33%), followed by the government sector (11%).

The number of researchers (FTE) almost doubled in Greece and Hungary between 2010 and 2020, totalling 41 800 and 42 000 respectively last year. The same happened in Poland, where there were 124 400 FTE of these professionals in 2020, 59 900 more than in 2010.

Relatively high growth rates were also recorded in the Netherlands (89%), Malta (69%), Cyprus (67%) and Ireland (66%).

Source: Cyprus News Agency