Department of Forests issues red alert for forest fires for Friday

The Department of Forests has issued a red alert for forest fires valid for Friday.

In a press release it urges the public to be cautious and avoid any actions that can cause a fire such as using tools or agricultural equipment that create heat, sparks or flame.

It recalls that lighting a fire for food preparation is permitted only in the barbecue areas of camping sites.

The fine for those who start a fire without a licence amounts to up to 10 years in prison or €50,000 or both sentences combined according to the forest law of 2012, and up to five years in jail or €20,000 or both sentences combined according to the Prevention of Fires in the Rural Areas Law of 1988.

Anyone who notices smoke or fire should contact 1407 (Forests Department) or 112 (Fire Department).

Source: Cyprus News Agency