UAE calls Hamas attack on Israel ‘serious, grave escalation’

The United Arab Emirates said late Sunday that the latest attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on Israeli towns was a ‘serious and grave escalation.’

In a statement, the UAE’s Foreign Ministry called for ending the violence and the protection of the civilian population.

‘Attacks by Hamas against Israeli towns and villages near the Gaza Strip, including the firing of thousands of rockets at population centers, are a serious and grave escalation,’ said the statement cited by state news agency WAM.

The ministry said the UAE is ‘appalled by reports that Israeli civilians have been abducted as hostages from their homes.’

The Gulf country called on both Hamas and Israel ‘to de-escalate and avoid an expansion of the heinous violence with tragic consequences affecting civilian lives and facilities.’

‘Civilians on both sides must always have full protection under international humanitarian law and must never be a target of conflict,’ it said.

Hamas launched its biggest attack on Israel in decades on Saturday, firing thousands of rockets and sending fighters who infiltrated Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian group said its attack was in response to Israeli violations in the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem and increased settler violence.

At least 700 Israelis have been killed and more than 2,300 others wounded in the attack, according to the Israeli Health Ministry.

Israel has retaliated with a series of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, killing more than 410 Palestinians and wounding at least 2,300 others.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to use all of Israel’s strength to destroy Hamas’ capabilities and ‘take revenge for this black day.’

In 2020, the UAE and Israel signed a US-sponsored agreement to normalize relations.

Source: Anadolu Agency