Tragedy in Greece a message for all governments including ours, President Christodoulides says

The unthinkable tragedy of the train collision in Greece is a message for all governments including the government in Cyprus, President Nikos Christodoulides said on Thursday.

President Christodoulides was replying to a question on the sidelines of a visit at the graves of Greek Cypriots hung by the British during the 1955 – 59 anti-colonial struggle, known as the Imprisoned Graves.

Asked comment on the accident in Greece, which also involves two Cypriot passengers who are still among the missing President Christodoulides said that all governments should take necessary preventive measures to avoid tragic events such as this train crash. He also noted that, according to the information he has received, the crash was due to human error.

He also spoke of the two missing Cypriot passengers of the train, saying that the government is in touch with their families. He said that the Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke with the families yesterday, while the Embassy in Athens and the Consulate in Thessaloniki are with them.

“We will keep following up with the situation and we are hopeful that we will have some news soon”, he concluded.

Source: Cyprus News Agency