No room for complacency, House President says to new National Guard Chief

President of the House of Representatives Annita Demetriou received on Monday the new Chief of the National Guard Lieutenant General Georgios Tsitsikostas.

A press release by the Parliament says that Demetriou wished the new Chief every success in the difficult task he is undertaking and said that the Parliament is ready to assist him in his work. Referring to Turkey’s provocative actions on the ground and the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus (EEZ) she praised the work of his predecessor and expressed the belief that the new Chief of the National Guard will work to further strengthen the defence and deterrence capability of the National Guard.

Furthermore, she said that the conditions do not allow for any complacency but require preparedness. Demetriou expressed certainty that the new Chief will fully respond to the fulfilment of the mission of the National Guard to safeguard the security, defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus.

She also said that a single front should be created to address the challenges and upgrade the cooperation with other states in matters of defence and security.

The new Chief of the National Guard thanked the House President and expressed his readiness to consistently and decisively carry out the task assigned to him.

Source: Cyprus News Agency