Cyprus’ wine sector has “huge prospects” Minister of Commerce says

There are now huge prospects for the wine sector in Cyprus, Minister of Commerce Giorgos Papanastasiou said on Saturday, and assured producers of the state’s continuous support, while inaugurating the 62nd Limassol wine festival.

Speaking at the festival, taking place annually in the southern coastal city, the Minister praised Cyprus’ long-standing winemaking tradition, that goes back thousands of years. He said that in combination with modern winemaking practices and know-how as well as the updated infrastructure in Cypriot wineries, the potential for the sector is huge.

Progress in the last couple of years is remarkable, Papanastasiou went on and said that this is evident also in the international distinctions for Cypriot wines every year and the “prestige” they gain, both in Cyprus and in markets abroad.

In 2022, he went on, wine exports were worth an estimated pound 2 mln, marking an increase of 42% compared to the year before.

The Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, recognizing the prospects for Cypriot wine will continue to support the winemaking sector, Papanastasiou said.

Limassol Mayor Nicos Nicolaides called the city “the cradle of viticulture and winemaking since ancient times” celebrating Cypriot wine and winemakers, and spoke of the various innovations guests will encounter while visiting the festival.

Source: Cyprus News Agency