Bizonal, bicommunal federation the only basis for solution, President says

The only basis for solving the Cyprus problem is the solution based on the bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality, as described in the UN resolutions, the convergences recorded to date and the European acquis, said the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, in his address, which was delivered by Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Alexis Vafeades, at an official dinner organised by expatriates in New York on the occasion of the anniversary of the Greek Revolution.

He also stated that “50 years after the events of the Turkish invasion of 1974, we have a duty to reorganise our forces and respond to the challenges of the times and the demands of the duty that the state assigned us.”

According to a Transport Ministry press release, Vafeades made an official trip to New York, representing the President of the Republic at the official celebrations of the Diaspora for the national anniversaries of March 25 and April 1.

In his address, President Christodoulides pointed out th
at the Republic of Cyprus, always having the historical national struggles as a model and guide, declares itself present in every effort until the end of the occupation and the reunification of Cyprus. “Especially this year, with the completion of half a century since the Turkish invasion of 1974, our struggle acquires additional importance and momentum,” he said.

He also emphasised that “we must work in every way to break the deadlock, resume the talks, reactivate the peace process.”

“Our tireless efforts and our coordinated actions, in direct communication and seamless contact with the Greek Government, resulted in a renewed interest of the international community in the Cyprus issue, achieving the appointment of a personal envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations,” he pointed out.

The President indicated that the solution of the Cypriot issue on the basis of the bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality, as described in the UN resolutions, the convergences recorded to date and th
e European acquis constitute the unique basis and pillars of the effort.

He added that “50 years after the events of the Turkish invasion of 1974, we have a duty to reorganise our forces and meet the challenges of the times and the demands of the duty that assigned to us,” adding that “we have a duty to convey the message of the dire need for freedom and restoration of the human rights of all Cypriots as far and as decisively as we can.”

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Repeated rounds of UN-led peace talks have so far failed to yield results. The latest round of negotiations, in July 2017 at the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana ended inconclusively. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appointed María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar of Colombia as his personal envoy for Cyprus, to assume a Good Offices role on his behalf and search for common ground on the way forward in the Cyprus issue.

Source: Cyprus News Agency