An Archive of Oral Tradition for the Armenian and Latin religious groups to be announced on Friday

An archive of oral tradition for the Armenian and Latin religious groups in Cyprus is expected to be announced next Friday.

In particular, the Center for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Cyprus, the Offices of the Representatives of the Armenian and Latins Religious Groups, are organizing a press conference this week on the occasion of the establishment of the Cypriot Archive of Oral Tradition for the Armenian and Latin religious groups (KARMELA).

The press conference will be held at the Ministry of Friday in the presence of the Armenian and Latin representatives, Vartkes Mahtesian and Antonela Mantovani respectively, as well as Presidential Commissioner Photis Photiou and Minister of Education Prodromos Prodromou.

The KARMELA project aims to collect audiovisual material from members of the two religious groups in the form of individual interviews.

The ultimate goal is to create an Archive of Oral Tradition that will record the experiences and life stories of the Armenians and Latins of Cyprus during the last century, including cultural elements, religious and other traditions, as well as information on linguistic peculiarities and multilingual practices.

The Archive of Oral Tradition for Armenians and Latins of Cyprus will complement the existing archive for the Maronite community in force since 2013.

Source: Cyprus News Agency