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Women and men journalists almost equally represented in 21 EU member states

In 2020, there were almost 393,000 journalists in the 21 EU member states with available data, representing 0.2% of the total employment in these EU member states, according to data released today by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU


Among them, women and men were almost equally represented (48% vs 52%). Over one third of these journalists were aged 35-49 (35%), while those aged less than 35 accounted for a similar share (34%), followed by those 50 years old or over (32%).


In terms of economic activities associated with journalism, almost 789 thousand were employed in the 27 EU Member States in publishing activities such as the publication of books, newspapers, magazines and journals. This is equivalent to 0.4% of total EU employment.


Among them, men accounted for a slightly higher share (54%). Over one third of people employed in publishing activities were aged 35-49 (37%), followed by those aged less than 35 (32%) and those aged 50 years old or over (31%).


Among EU member states, Sweden recorded the highest share of people employed in publishing activities (0.8% of total employment), followed by Finland, Denmark and Germany (all 0.6%) as well as France (0.5%). This rate is 0.28% in Cyprus and 0.3% in Greece.

Source: Cyprus News Agency