We will not retreat from positions that safeguard our national dignity, President Anastasiades says

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades stressed that the Republic of Cyprus will not retreat from positions that safeguard its national dignity, speaking at the opening of the 14th Congress of the New Democracy, in Athens.

Anastasiades stressed that Turkey’s claims sought to turn the Republic of Cyprus into a protectorate of Ankara and as such, they would never be accepted.

President Anastasiades said that during his 10-year presidency his priority was to do everything possible to achieve a solution that would respond to the concerns of the Greek Cypriots, for a viable state.

“Unfortunately, Turkey’s claims went so far as to turn the Republic of Cyprus into a protectorate of Ankara. And this was never possible to be accepted. Nor will we retreat from positions that safeguard national dignity,” he said.

“Honest solution, honest peace, but no retreat, no enslavement, no subjugation to any unreasonable demands”, the Cypriot President said. He also noted that both Greece and Cyprus follow the “philosophy of patriotic realism on national issues, without ignoring the pride that their history dictates”.

Opening the proceedings of the New Democracy conference, Anastasiades expressed the gratitude of the Cypriot state and himself for the excellent cooperation and the Greek government’s unreserved support to the suffering Hellenism of Cyprus.

As he said Metropolitan Hellenism and the Hellenism of Cyprus are united by brotherhood ties, beyond their historical ties. “I can only pay tribute to the Greek brothers who gave their blood for the integrity of the Republic of Cyprus”, Anastasiades stressed.

At the EU level, Greece and Cyprus are fighting for a more people-centered and strategically united Europe that will defend the welfare state and the rule of law, the Cypriot President noted.

He also stressed that through their close cooperation, Greece and Cyprus are a pillar of stability for strategic partners not only in the Eastern Mediterranean but in the Arabian Gulf and beyond, as well.

Through trilateral cooperation, Greece and Cyprus have jointly managed to consolidate the feeling that they want peace and do not seek to exclude anyone, Anastasiades said. “Through cooperation, what we seek is to see that international law is applied”, he noted.

Referring to the war in Ukraine, he stressed that both Greece and Cyprus stand in solidarity with Ukraine and in line with the EU decisions.

“The events in Ukraine, the invasion, the violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity have opened up wounds for us Greeks of Cyprus because they have brought to our memory the same arguments, the same pretexts, the same atrocities that the Turks committed against the Hellenism of Cyprus”, Anastasiades said.

He noted, however, that two countries continue to defend their national interests, as well.

“We do not accept double standards. We do not accept that pretentious neutrals are tolerated. The peoples of Europe cannot be asked to sacrifice their well-being while others are seeking to profit from wars or reap political or economic benefits”, Anastasiades concluded.

Source: Cyprus News Agency