Turkey’s behaviour on Cyprus issue affects EU approach, German President says (2)

It must regularly be made clear to Turkey that its behaviour towards the solution of the Cyprus issue also affects other issues of Turkey such as its approach to the EU, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier stressed on Monday from Nicosia, where he is paying the first official visit of a German President to Cyprus.

The German President, who encouraged all parties involved to show the necessary readiness for compromise on the Cyprus issue, was speaking through an interpreter at a joint press conference with President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides at the Presidential Palace, in Nicosia.

The Cypriot President stressed that the EU can play a more active role in the Cyprus issue as it has the necessary tools to do so. Nicosia, he added, is a supporter of closer relations between the EU and Turkey, pointing out that those relations take into account developments and the solution of the Cyprus issue.

President Christodoulides said he hoped that the first official visit of a German President to Cyprus
will contribute to further strengthening the relations between the two countries.

“This year marks 35 years since the fall of Berlin wall. It is my hope and aspiration that we will soon be able to celebrate the reunification of Cyprus, Nicosia, the last divided capital of Europe,” the Cypriot President stressed.

They discussed, he added, bilateral relations, regional developments, energy, the European agenda, and the Cyprus issue.

Regarding immigration, he thanked Germany for the voluntary acceptance of more than 1,000 asylum seekers from Cyprus and said that more must be done in Europe not only through funding but through addressing the root causes. He also said that the issue of Syria should be opened for discussion and areas should be examined as to whether they constitute safe zones to enable returns.

President Christodoulides referred to the energy sector saying that technical support will be requested from Germany for storage of energy with batteries.

Steinmeier said that “besides the 20-year anniv
ersary of Cyprus joining the EU, this year we also have the events of 1974, 50 years of de facto division. It is time to work towards a solution to the Cyprus issue and I warmly welcome the fact that President Christodoulides sets progress as a priority and I would like to clearly state that Germany supports a bi-zonal, bi-communal solution to the Cyprus issue based on the UN parameters”, adding that the Cypriot President has the UN support and that Germany and the other EU countries will support the UN.

He expressed satisfaction with the appointment of the new personal envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Cyprus, noting that this was an important message to create new momentum into the Cyprus solution and break the deadlock.

He also said that Germany will send for the first time German police officers to the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

When asked about efforts to revive Turkey’s relations with the EU and Cyprus’ desire for an EU envoy for the Cyprus issue, the President of Germany remarked
, “I am aware of Cyprus’ desire for an envoy and also for Turkey to be more engaged. The appointment, of an envoy, is one aspect.”

He emphasised the importance, equally significant for Cyprus, of making it clear to Turkey, regardless of who does it, that behaviour regarding the Cyprus issue must also relate to other Turkish matters, such as its approach towards the EU. “This message must be sent to Turkey from the member states,” he noted.

Asked about the message he wishes to convey to European partners regarding the same question, President Christodoulides said that Cyprus strongly supports closer EU-Turkey relations, which are intertwined with developments and the resolution of the Cyprus issue.

“I am pleased to see advanced discussions in Brussels, and we will see what will be on the agenda of the European Council in March, whether there will be a discussion on the EU-Turkey relations’. He added that Cyprus desires EU’s more active involvement, for the effort to resolve the Cyprus issue.

When asked abo
ut the prospects of resolving the Cyprus issues, Steinmeier mentioned that there have been optimistic phases in the past that gave hope for a better situation.

“But politics has the duty to attempt what seems impossible,” he noted, expressing gratitude towards President Christodoulides for prioritising the resolution of the Cyprus issue with the UN’s support. He added that both Germany and other member states will support the UN’s efforts.

EU needs to do more on immigration


Asked whether it is time for Europe to show more practical solidarity towards countries facing the greatest migration burden, the President of Germany acknowledged the significant challenge Cyprus faces regarding migration. He also said that Cyprus needs support from both Germany and the EU.

He noted that within the framework of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Mechanism, intensive and successful cooperation has taken place with Cyprus, resulting in the transfer of 1000 asylum seekers from Cyprus
to Germany. This, he said, was tangible European-level solidarity in action.

However, he mentioned that this was not sufficient and that’ s a major European challenge requiring exceptional solutions.

He emphasised that the goal was shared, and a solution must be reached before the end of the term of the European Parliament in 2024.

Steinmeier also said that there was great impetus as regards the relations of the two countries in the fields of defence, finance and energy.

Regarding the crisis in the Middle East, he said that “Cyprus for us and for the whole of Europe is a safe harbour in the region” and thanked Cyprus for the help it offered to assist operations for the evacuation of German nationals from the area.

Trump’s NATO remarks irresponsible says German President


Commenting on a statement by Donald Trump, that he would not defend NATO allies against Russia if they did not contribute enough defence spending, Steinmeier said “we are in the midst of a US election campaign.
Some words may be provocative, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take them seriously.”

Steinmeier expressed the view that the current US President Joe Biden remains a NATO ally and had ensured NATO’s unity.

Regarding Trump’s statements, he said they were “irresponsible” and “helpful to Russia, and certainly not positive for the alliance.”

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Repeated rounds of UN-led peace talks have so far failed to yield results. The latest round of negotiations, in July 2017 at the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana ended inconclusively. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appointed María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar of Colombia as his personal envoy for Cyprus, to assume a Good Offices role on his behalf and search for common ground on the way forward in the Cyprus issue.

Source: Cyprus News Agency