The role of Cyprus as a factor of regional security and stability is important, Cypriot MP says


The role of Cyprus as a factor of regional security and stability is important, said MP Andreas Pasiourtides in his intervention at the 17th Annual plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), where he took part together with MP Rita Theodorou Superman.

According to a statement issued by the House of Representatives, Pasiourtides referred to the political, economic and social insecurity caused by Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. The Cypriot MP welcomed the collective reaction in favor of respect for international law and the UN Charter.

The Cypriot MP reaffirmed the determination of the Greek Cypriot side to achieve a fair and sustainable solution to the Cyprus problem, in accordance with international and European law and the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, on the basis of the bizonal bicommunal federation, with a single sovereignty, international personality and citizenship, which will reunite the country in conditions of lasting peace and stability.

Pasiourtides also noted the important role of Cyprus as a factor of regional security and stability and a bridge between the European Union and the Middle East, as well as the trilateral cooperation mechanisms that Greece and Cyprus have established with countries in the region in a wide range of sectors, including energy, contributing to the goal of energy independence from Russia.

Furthermore, in the framework of the work of the General Assembly, the winners of the PAM Awards for the year 2023 were announced, among personalities and organisations that actively contributed to the promotion of the objectives of the Assembly and to the cooperation between the peoples of the Mediterranean. The winners of this year’s awards include the Cyprus Institute, whose nomination was proposed by the House of Representatives.

Source: Cyprus News Agency