State grants plan for new social care structures approved by Cabinet

The State support plan for the Social Welfare Services was approved on Wednesday by the Council of Ministers, following a proposal presented by Deputy Minister of Social Welfare Anastasia Anthousi, a written statement of the Deputy Ministry says.

The Plan, which is part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan “Cyprus_Tomorrow” 2021-2026, with a budget of €18 million, includes the set up of Multipurpose Centers and Child Care Centers, as well as accommodation structures for children, teenagers with disorders, people with disabilities and citizens in need of long-term care.

The Plan is addressed to Local Government Authorities and NGOs which may receive funding to cover costs related to the construction/purchase of a property, the renovation or upgrading of an existing property and the purchase of equipment for the operation of the program.

The grant amounts to 100% of the investments that will be selected, with a maximum amount of funding per project of €500,000.

The announcement says that during the first phase that covers the period up until the end of 2024, funding will be given for the creation or expansion of at least 11 Centers (nursery centers and Child Protection and Employment Centers for children aged 0-4 and 6-13 years), or Child Care Centers (nursery centers for children aged 0-4 years) and two structures for adults with long-term care needs (small structures integrated into the community for hosting up to 10 people).

It is noted that by June 2026, a total of 30 organizations are expected to have been granted grants for the development or upgrading of structures for children and a total of six organizations for the establishment of structures that will offer care services to adults.

The Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare seeks to strengthen the welfare state and citizens’ access to care services, without exclusions, and to promote the social inclusion and well-being of vulnerable groups of the population, with an emphasis on children, women, people with disabilities and the elderly, the announcement reads.

The aim is to support the availability of quality infrastructure for care and social development of children and adults in need of long-term care, participation in the labour market of the active workforce, especially women, in order to also contribute effectively to the reconciliation of family and professional life and promote gender equality and equal opportunities for all, the Deputy Ministry says.

Source: Cyprus News Agency