NASA to launch 2nd Mars habitat experiment next spring



FOR THE PERIOD FROM 0600 18/02/2024 UNTIL 0600 19/02/2024

Area covered is 8 kilometers seawards.

Winds are in BEAUFORT scale. Times are local times.

Atmospheric pressure at the time of issue: 1020hPa (hectopascal)

Weak low pressure is affecting the area. The weather will be cloudy at times with local showers and isolated thunderstorms, mainly after noon.

Visibility: Good, but moderate to poor in showers

Sea surface temperature: 18°C

Warnings: NIL

Source: Cyprus News Agency

ANKARA: American space agency NASA has announced that the second of the one-year Mars habitat experiments, dubbed “Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA)” will begin next spring.

Applications are now open for a four-person team to participate in the second of three experiments to be conducted at NASA’s Houston facilities in Texas, US.

The second Mars habitat experiment will involve challenges such as resource constraints, equipment failures, communication delays, and other environmental stressors that volunteers may encounter during a Mars mission, according to a statement posted on the space agency’s website on Friday.

During the experiment, the volunteer team will be responsible for tasks such as lunar walks, robotic operations, habitat management, exercise, and crop cultivation.

Volunteers will live in the “Mars Dunes Alpha” shelter, which was created using 3D printers.

Source: Anadolu Agency