Meloni’s ex partner Giambruno suspends self from TV show


ROME, – Berlusconi network Mediaset presenter Andrea Giambruno, the former partner of Premier Giorgia Meloni whom the PM split with earlier Friday over a series of allegedly sexist remarks and other scandals he recently spurred, on Friday suspended himself for a week from hosting his Retequattro show Diario del giorno (Daily Diary), the network said, clarifying earlier reports he had been pulled.

A Mediaset spokesperson earlier told ANSA the network was assessing the facts carefully in the latest case, in which he is heard making off-colour off-air remarks about threesomes and foursomes to a female colleague and also apparently admitting to an affair with another colleague.

Meloni, 46, who has a seven year old daughter with the 42-year-old journalist, formally announced their separation early Friday saying they had parted ways some time ago.

Giambruno also recently sparked controversy by advising women not to get blind drunk if they wanted to avoid being raped, by calling migrant flows “transhumance”, a term used for animals’ migrations, and appearing to cast doubt on the human role in climate change.

Source: Ansa News Agency