Joint forces create a powerful support system for our fellow humans that suffer with cancer, Transport Minister says

Joint forces create a powerful support system for our fellow humans that suffer with cancer, Transport Minister, Yiannis Karousos, said, at the start of the 47th Christodoulas Walk, organized by the Cyprus Anticancer Association in Ammochostos.

The event was organized again this year, after a two-year pause due to the pandemic. “It has been an institution in the local community with an enormous contribution to the unobstructed provision of relief to patients with cancer”, said the Minister, who stressed out that cancer has become a scourge for patients, their families, the society and even the health systems and the economies around the world.

He also said that “the Government applies a series of policies for the prevention and effective treatment of cancer” and mentioned the programs for breast cancer tests, colon tests, as well as the vaccination program against HPV, which is free for girls and boys aged 12 years old. Karousos also said that the foundation of the Institute of Cancer focuses on early diagnosis and treatment, as well as the relief of patients with cancer.

The Minister stressed out that the Cyprus Anticancer Association is a valuable partner for the Government, as a subsidiary actor that essentially reinforces the relief care services for patients. The Relief Care Center “Arodafnousa”, said the Minister, is an example of the Association’s contribution and he mentioned that it will soon be upgraded with the addition of ten more beds.

Source: Cyprus News Agency