House Speaker expresses appreciation for AHI support to Cyprus


House of Representatives President Annita Demetriou has expressed her appreciation for the long-standing and very important contribution of the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) to the promotion of the Cyprus issue. Demetriou received on Thursday a six-member delegation of AHI executives, led by President and Executive Director by AHI Nick Larigakis, who assured the Speaker of the Parliament of the will and intention of the Institute to work intensively to promote issues of major importance for the Republic of Cyprus. According to a press release issued by the House of Representatives, Demetriou expressed her appreciation for the longstanding and very important contribution of the Institute, since it was founded in 1974, to the promotion of the Cyprus problem and underlined the importance of maintaining and further strengthening ties and cooperation with the Cypriot and Greek diaspora. Referring to the work of the Cypriot Diaspora in the USA, she noted that relations between Cyprus and the USA are at the best possible level and are based on common principles. They both noted the added value of the “3+1” cooperation framework between Cyprus, Greece, Israel and the USA. Demetriou said that the parliamentary dimension of this cooperation began recently. Referring to the Cyprus issue, she stressed that the Greek Cypriot side is making every possible effort to create the necessary conditions, so that the talks can resume from the point where they were interrupted, with the aim of reaching a solution that would reunite Cyprus in conditions of peace, for the benefit of all Cypriots, but also for security and stability in the wider region. Larigakis referred to the Institute’s work and action, which aims to strengthening US relations with Cyprus and Greece, based on principles and the rule of law and leveraging the communication that AHI has established with the US Government and Congress. He assured the Speaker of the Parliament of the will and intention of the Institute to work intensively to promote issues of major importance for the Republic of Cyprus. He also informed her about the upcoming activities of the Institute in relation to Cyprus. The President of the House underlined the importance of taking initiatives and actions by associations and organizations of the diaspora, such as AHI, to further strengthen the exchanges between Cyprus and the USA, especially at the level of the House of Representatives and the American Congress.

Source: Cyprus News Agency