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Hope is important when dealing with challenges, says President Anastasiades

It is important to have hope when dealing with challenges of national interest President Nicos Anastasiades said on Monday, during a lunch he hosted at the Presidential Palace with his spouse Andri, for the children who reside in the Rizokarpaso enclave and for the Children’s Aid Committee of Cyprus.

Addressing the children of Rizokarpaso the President said that them staying in the area is keeping hope alive that at some point there won’t be any enclaved people but only free citizens in a no longer occupied land.

In his address to children who are on support by various structures, President Anastasiades assured that the state will always remain by their side, contributing to their well-being and education.

He said that despite the challenges due to the financial crisis, the state will be able to fulfill its obligations towards children who need state support because of a strong fiscal policy.

As regards the Cyprus problem the President said that Turkey’s intransigence and expansionist views are creating many difficulties and added that we keep on fighting in various international and European organizations to overcome the problems.

He expressed his wish that the new year will be a time of hope as a result of a just solution to the Cyprus problem, a prevalence of peace and cooperation.

The President told the children to keep hope alive, stressing that without hope no one survives. He added that we have good reasons to have hope because we will continue to fight in every way to achieve the reunification of our country.

During the lunch children sang and played music. The children of Rizokarpaso offered President Anastasiades and his spouse a gift.

Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. The latest round of peace talks under the UN aegis took place in 2017 but failed to yield results.

Source: Cyprus News Agency