Greek FM hopeful and a little optimistic that Cyprus talks will resume

Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis appeared hopeful and a little optimistic on the possibility of a Cyprus talks resumption.

In an interview on Thursday to the Greek radio station “Real FM” Gerapetritis emphasised that “regardless of the statements or operations made by Turkey, what is important – and I have a viable hope, a little optimism…that we will manage to start the discussions on the Cyprus issue – is that there will be a solution which will be viable, will be beneficial and mutually acceptable.”

In the context of his interview and referring to Cyprus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece said that although “Greece is thinking about peace and prosperity and not war, on the other hand, we cannot ignore history and especially the historical responsibilities of Turkey in Cyprus.”

“And we cannot under any circumstances come and make concessions in matters concerning our sovereignty which are issues of national red lines,” he added.

Responding to a question and the journalist’s comment
that Cypriots do not want the problem reopened, Gerapetritis underlined that he has a different point of view and that he is in complete synergy and harmony with the Republic of Cyprus.

“What is actually true is that for a long time there has been absolute stagnation and inactivity on the Cyprus problem” he said and added that when he took over a year ago and following directions by the Prime Minister and of course in coordination with the Republic of Cyprus, an effort was made to upgrade the Cyprus problem on the UN and EU agendas.

“Both happened. In June 2023, a provision was included in the Conclusions of the European Council, according to which the European Union will be involved in all stages of the Cyprus solution. And of course, the United Nations, through the Secretary General, prioritised the Cyprus issue. He appointed a Personal Envoy to Cyprus who at the moment has a very clear position that the Cyprus problem is moving” he pointed out, indicating that this is also his own feeling.

mentioned that he has invested a large part of his energy as well as that of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so that the Cyprus issue gets back on track. ‘What does back on track means? To restart the discussions, the discussions between the two sides on the basis of the resolutions of the United Nations for a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation”, he noted.

In the journalist’s remark that “this is another source of tension with Turkey”, the Greek Foreign Minister stated that Turkey’s position over time has been much more at the opposite end, i.e. in favour of a two-state solution, which they call “sovereign equality”.

And he made it clear that this is something that lies outside the framework of international law, as defined by the resolutions, and therefore cannot be accepted.

“What is crucial at this stage and for which we are all working hard, is the resumption of talks. Because if there is no discussion there will be no solution. I always say that what is crucial is to be able to be ready to talk,
to be able to discuss. We are doing the same with Turkey,” he noted, expressing the view that it is good that Greek-Turkish relations have improved for the Cyprus issue as well, and noting that the President of the Republic of Cyprus also recognises this.

Replying to a question on how relations have improved when Turkey sends its fleet for naval military exercises in occupied Cyprus, Gerapetritis said that “the discussion that will take place on the Cyprus issue, we hope, has only one goal, the reunification of Cyprus”.

“Cyprus must be united. And we don’t say that, international law itself says it,” he noted, underlining that regardless of the statements or actions on the part of Turkey, “what is important – and I have a sustainable hope, a little optimism, that we will manage to start the discussions on the Cyprus issue – is to have a solution which will be viable, beneficial and mutually acceptable”.

Source: Cyprus News Agency