Government Spokesperson says impartiality is expected in Holguin’s report


The Greek Cypriot side expects impartiality in the report, the UN SG’s personal envoy Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar will submit to the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on July 10th, Government Spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis told the press on Friday.

On July 11th there will be an informal briefing of the UN Security Council and around the same days Greek Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis will also be in New York and is set to meet with Antonio Guterres.

The Spokesperson, in statements following a meeting of the National Council – the top advisory body to the President on the handling of the question of Cyprus – at the Presidential Palace, in Nicosia, was asked if the personal envoy will continue her efforts, given that her contract was for six months and expires these days.

Letymbiotis said that it is better to wait for UNSG’s decisions. He also added that Guterres will announce his intentions on the next steps, after he receives Holguin’s report.

In another question about this report, Letymbiotis said t
hat we expect objectivity on facts from any report, whether it is about UNSG’s good offices or about UNFICYP.

He said that Holguin’s mandate is decided by the SG and his mandate is decided by the UN Security Council. He also went on to say that the agreed framework for a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution is clearly recorded in all relevant UNSC resolutions.

Letymbiotis said once again that the Greek Cypriot side’s determination and readiness for the resumption of the peace talks from where they left off is clear and is repeated daily.

He said that the members of the National Council were briefed that there is continuous coordination with the Greek government and the EU as regards the aim for the resumption of the dialogue.

In relation to the draft reports of the UN Secretary General for his good offices and for UNFICYP, Letymbiotis said that there will be an official statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the official publication of these reports. He said that the UN is keeping an approac
h of “equal distances” and an approach of numerical balance. He said that there reports must be objective, regarding the unveiling of all facts.

Letymbiotis went on to say that we are taking measures to protect our sovereign rights and our security and that in accordance with UNSC resolution 186, which defines the mandate of the peacekeeping force, the mission of the force must be for the benefit of maintenance of international peace and security.

He said that this means that we should be concerned about the militarization, which falls within the peacekeeping force’s mandate. He also pointed out that we always keep in mind that we are in a defensive position while the other side displays an offensive stance.

The Spokesperson also said that the President of the Republic briefed the political leaders about the cases that are being brought to justice, concerning the usurpation of Greek Cypriot properties in the Turkish occupied territories. He said that this is a human rights issue, an issue of lawfulness and

Letymbiotis said that all legal measures are taken to end the illegal usurpation and we will do everything possible to punish those responsible. He noted that the individual right to property cannot be disputed.

The Spokesperson also said that the National Council was informed by the National Security Adviser and the President of the Republic regarding the developments in our region.

He repeated that Cyprus is in contact with all the states of the region as a result of its excellent relations with these states, adding that we believe that any further escalation of the tension must be avoided and will not be for the benefit of the region or of the entire international community.

He also mentioned, in response to a question, that the issue of 28 illegal migrants in buffer zone was also discussed in the National Council. This is an issue he discussed in a recent meeting he had with UN special representative, Colin Stewart.

He said there was a frank exchange of views at the meeting with the politica
l leaders and the discussion was very constructive.

The Spokesperson said that all political parties in the country remain unwaveringly committed, in support of the Government’s efforts to resume negotiations.

Replying to another question, the Spokesperson said that the initiatives taken by the Republic of Cyprus in all directions are already known. He referred, inter alia, to the 14 measures that President Christodoulides announced for the Turkish Cypriots and the Republic’s very constructive attitude, as he put it, as regards the EU-Turkish relations, a stance which he said was praised by the international community.

He said that the Government will continue to take initiatives and reminded the written proposals that the President has submitted to UNSG’s envoy Maria Holguin, adding that these proposals and initiatives contribute to the conditions for the resumption of the talks.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third.

Repeated rounds of UN-led peace talk
s have so far failed to yield results. The latest round of negotiations, in July 2017 at the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana ended inconclusively.

Last January, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appointed Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar as his personal envoy for Cyprus, to assume a Good Offices role on his behalf and search for common ground on the way forward in the Cyprus issue.

Source: Cyprus News Agency