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Euro area posts international trade surplus of $23.6B in July

ISTANBUL: The international trade surplus in the euro area was at pound 21.2 billion ($23.6 billion) in July, Eurostat announced on Monday.

The euro area exports to the rest of the world totaled pound 252 billion, up 10.2% year-on-year, while imports stood at pound 230.8 bn, rising 4%, statistical authority stated.

In January to July 2024, the euro area posted a surplus of pound 127.7 billion, up from pound 3.7 billion in the same period last year, with exports worth pound 1.6 trillion and imports totaled pound 155 trillion.

Meanwhile, the EU showed a pound 19.1 billion surplus in July, and pound 114.3 billion in the first-seven-month period.?

The EU’s exports amounted to pound 230.2 billion, up by 11.6%, and imports stood at pound 211.1 bn, up by 4.8%, year-on-year in July.

From January to July 2024, extra-EU exports of goods were at pound 1.51 trillion, and imports totaled pound 1.39 trillion.

Source: Anadolu Agency