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Dark anniversaries of 1974 coup and invasion are for collective reflection, President says

The dark anniversaries of the treacherous coup and the barbaric Turkish invasion are an occasion for collective reflection, for the extraction of lessons and the reaffirmation of principles, values and positions in relation to the management of the ongoing occupation of our homeland, Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides said on Monday evening.

He also announced that the state would finance the conversion into a museum of the facilities from where the message of President Makarios that he was alive was broadcast, after the coup against him by the Greek junta.

The President, who was speaking at an event organised by the Paphos Bishopric to condemn the July 15, 1974 coup and the ensuing Turkish invasion, said that thanks to the courageous staff of the ‘Free Radio Station’ of Paphos, the historic speech of President Makarios was broadcast all over the world.

In his speech, the President said that the consequences of the Turkish invasion were many and ongoing for half a century and that is why those who commi
tted the invasion and maintain the occupation, but also all those who allow the continuation of the division of Cyprus by violence bear heavy responsibility.

The invasion and occupation, said the President, constitute a flagrant violation of international and European Law, the Charter of the United Nations, the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus and of the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all Cypriots.

He reiterated the urgent need for ending the current ‘unacceptable status quo’ and restoring the fundamental freedoms and human rights for all the legal residents of the country without exception.

President Christodoulides said that, despite the difficulties and problems, ‘we will continue the effort for the creation of conditions that will allow us to seek a solution to the Cyprus problem, under the auspices of the United Nations’.

He added that the negative attitude of the Turkish side, despite that it makes things difficult, does not discourage him.

President also said that it was important to be rid of the occupation and the current situation that nullify the vision of a single, common prosperous homeland.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Repeated rounds of UN-led peace talks have so far failed to yield results. The latest round of negotiations, in July 2017 at the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana ended inconclusively. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appointed María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar of Colombia as his personal envoy for Cyprus, to assume a Good Offices role on his behalf and search for common ground on the way forward in the Cyprus issue.

Source: Cyprus News Agency