Cyprus Embassy in Russia organizes event on 50th anniversary of Turkish invasion


The Cyprus Embassy at Moscow organized a commemorative event on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The event was co-organized with the Press and Information Office which prepared a photo exhibition and videos from its archives. Expatriate organizations and Greeks of the diaspora in Russia attended the event.

Delivering a speech Ambassador Dr Kypros Yiorgallis said that the treacherous coup d’état of the junta and EOKA B on July 15th, orchestrated in Greece, opened the back door for the Turkish invasion and occupation of the island. Turkey, he said, five days after the coup found the perfect pretext it was seeking for years.

The Ambassador noted that the tragedy that followed has been haunting our memories and our lives ever since. He said that today is a day of grief but also a day of honor, to all those who sacrificed their lives for their country, for freedom and democracy.

Ambassador Yiorgallis said that we cannot allow oblivion to fade our memory, pointing out that
the aim is to reunite our country. He said that we wish for the resumption of the peace talks that will lead us to a future of peace and prosperity for the entire Cyprus people.

He said that we don’t want foreign occupying armies or guarantors, adding that the solution should be in line with the UN Security Council resolutions and the European acquis.

The Ambassador noted that a two-state solution cannot be accepted adding that we will continue the struggle despite the Turkish provocations and all obstacles before us.

He also referred to the support by Greece and the fact that following the events of 1974, the Cyprus people achieved to have a strong and resilient economy since then and managed to join the EU.

Yiorgallis hailed the presence, at the event, of the Greek Ambassador and the presence of the Greek Prime Minister at the commemorative events in Cyprus last Saturday.

Source: Cyprus News Agency