Commission approves new geographical indication for tertziellouthkia from Cyprus


The European Commission announced it is adding a new protected geographical indication (PGI) to its list on Wednesday, regarding the Cypriot food tertziellouthkia.

Tertziellouthkia are a type of pasta made by mixing durum wheat flour (or another type of flour such as country or wholemeal flour) with semolina, water and salt.

The product’s name comes from its shape, which resembles a little ring. Its specific characteristics, such as its size and texture, are a result of the producers’ know-how and expertise.

The reputation of tertziellouthkia is due not only to their characteristics, which bear testimony to the skill of their producers, but also to the simplicity of their ingredients and the way they are served, which have established them as a dish associated with fasting.

An important stage in the production process is the resting of the dough, which also contributes to the product’s specificity. The resting time determines the dough’s elasticity, which in turn plays a key role in the production process
, making it possible to create its characteristic shape and resulting in their slightly rough texture.

Traditionally, tertziellouthkia’ were served for fasts and feasts, as well as social events such as weddings. Before serving, they are boiled in water and carob syrup, grape syrup or honey.

Source: Cyprus News Agency