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Antiquities Department Director highlights significance of Siena University archaeological discovery in Cyprus

An archaeological discovery by a University of Siena mission in Erimi village, Limassol district, upgrades our knowledge for the society of the Bronze Age in Cyprus, Director of the Department of Antiquities, Dr. George Georgiou, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA).

Asked about the archaeological discovery of a sacred site in Erimi, carried out by the University of Siena mission, Dr. Georgiou explained to CNA that the mission has been working in Erimi for about 15 years, with the permission of the Department of Antiquities and in full coordination and cooperation with it.

Referring to the findings of the excavation, the Director of the Department of Antiquities said that they are important, as the excavation has been progressing in recent years, adding that they relate to the developments in Ancient Cyprus during the period, which is called the Bronze Age and for Cyprus extends from 2500 to 1000 BC.

During this particular period, said Dr. Georgiou, radical changes took place as regards the way the Cyprio
t society was organized. “The excavation we are talking about has added several new elements to the discussion about the transition of the society from the villages to the first urban centres,” he pointed out, adding that “this particular excavation has brought findings dating back approximately to the middle of the Bronze Age,” and so the findings have to do with the transition from the life in the villages to the life in the first urban centres.

“The new evidence brought to light by this excavation, in combination with other excavations in other areas of Cyprus, upgrades our knowledge on this scientific issue”, pointed out the Director of the Department of Antiquities, clarifying, at the same time, that the area of Erimi excavated by the University of Siena dates back to 2000 until 1600 BC.

Speaking about the changes that took place in the society of the Bronze Age, Dr. Georgiou said that the town planning of the settlement, the number of the population and the social stratification changed. “The transiti
on to urbanisation is an important stage in human history and in the history of Cyprus,” he added.

Speaking about the discovery in Erimi, archaeologist Luca Bombardieri, the leader of the archaeological mission, told the Italian News Agency (ANSA) that “it’s the oldest sacred space ever found on the island.”

Under the title “Italians discover 4,000-year-old temple on Cyprus” the Agency reported that ”with its over 1,000 square metres of workshops, warehouses and large dyeing vats, the Erimi atelier occupied the entire summit of a hill on the southern coast of Cyprus, not far from the modern city of Limassol.”

Source: Cyprus News Agency