‫وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات، إحدى الشركات التابعة لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق لإنشاء مسار بديل لمشغلي الاتصالات يربط الخليج العربي بأوروبا عبر العراق

قعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات، إحدى الشركات التابعة لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق لإنشاء مسار بديل لمشغلي الاتصالات يربط الخليج العربي بأوروبا عبر العراق
وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات (شركة اتصالات فرعية بالكويت مملوكة بالكامل لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم) اتفاقية استراتيجية طويلة الأمد مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق تحت رعاية وحضور معالي وزيرة الاتصالات الدكتورة هيام الياسري حيث تقوم هذه الاتفاقية على إنشاء مسار “كلام العراق ترانزيت”، أول مسار أرضي بديل لحركة الاتصالات للشركات الكبيرة والشركات الناقلة العالمية لتوجيه تدفق البيانات الخاصة بها إلى أوروبا عبر العراق مروراً بتركيا.

المنامة، ,البحرين April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات (شركة اتصالات فرعية بالكويت مملوكة بالكامل لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم) اتفاقية استراتيجية طويلة الأمد مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق تحت رعاية وحضور معالي وزيرة الاتصالات الدكتورة هيام الياسري حيث تقوم هذه الاتفاقية على إنشاء مسار “كلام العراق ترانزيت”، أول مسار أرضي بديل لحركة الاتصالات للشركات الكبيرة والشركات الناقلة العالمية لتوجيه تدفق البيانات الخاصة بها إلى أوروبا عبر العراق مروراً بتركيا.

وفي هذا السياق علّقت معالي الوزيرة الدكتورة هيام الياسري، بأن هذا المشروع وغيره من المشاريع المشابهة الجاري تنفيذها حالياً، ستجعل من العراق ممراً برياً آمناً ومنافساً للممر البحري الدولي الوحيد للكوابل الدولية في المنطقة الذي يمر عبر قناة السويس إلى أوروبا.

توفر شركة كلام حلولاً شاملة أخرى من خلال الاستفادة من الأصول المملوكة لها، بما في ذلك نظام الكابلات الأرضية المملوك لها بنسبة ١٠٠٪ الذي يربط دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي (KNOT)، بالإضافة إلى المساهمة بنظام الكابلات البحرية التابع لاتحاد بوابة الهند أوروبا(EIG) . توفر إضافة هذا المسار الفريد خيارات أسرع بزمن أقل، مرونة أكبر، درجة أمان أعلى، موثوقية، وأداء أفضل من خلال تحسين التناظر، وعبور بروتوكول الإنترنت لمشغلي دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. كما يعالج نظام كابلات “كلام العراق ترانزيت” الفريد المخاطر الجيوسياسية وقيود السعة، مما يوفر طريقًا أكثر كفاءة، بينما يقدم للعملاء خيارات اتصال متنوعة بالخليج العربي. بالإضافة لذلك، كما ساهم حصول شركة زاجل على ترخيص من الهيئة العامة للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات بالكويت على خلق المزيد من نقاط القوة حيث يتجنب هذا المسار نقاط الاختناق الشائعة ومشكلات الصيانة التي تتحدى الكابلات البحرية الأخرى عبر البحر الأحمر، والتي يمكن أن تسبب بفقدان بيانات الشركات عند الربط بين الخليج العربي وأوروبا.

ومن جهته أضاف نزار محمد الساعي، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة كلام، “يمثل هذا الاستثمار الاستراتيجي قفزة كبيرة في توسعنا في السوق الإقليمية والعالمية. نحن نبني شركة كلام لتصبح مركزًا قويًا، والشريك المفضل للبيانات والحلول الرقمية. نسعى لنبقى في الطليعة عن طريق القيام باستثمارات استراتيجية، واحتضان التطورات، والتعامل مع المتغيرات الجيوسياسية بخفة، حيث نوفر خيارات متنوعة من المسارات لتمكين الشركات والمشغلين من اختيار المسار المثالي للاتصال السلس والأداء الأمثل.”

Noorah AlJadda


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9091955

‫وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات، إحدى الشركات التابعة لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق لإنشاء مسار بديل لمشغلي الاتصالات يربط الخليج العربي بأوروبا عبر العراق

قعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات، إحدى الشركات التابعة لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق لإنشاء مسار بديل لمشغلي الاتصالات يربط الخليج العربي بأوروبا عبر العراق
وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات (شركة اتصالات فرعية بالكويت مملوكة بالكامل لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم) اتفاقية استراتيجية طويلة الأمد مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق تحت رعاية وحضور معالي وزيرة الاتصالات الدكتورة هيام الياسري حيث تقوم هذه الاتفاقية على إنشاء مسار “كلام العراق ترانزيت”، أول مسار أرضي بديل لحركة الاتصالات للشركات الكبيرة والشركات الناقلة العالمية لتوجيه تدفق البيانات الخاصة بها إلى أوروبا عبر العراق مروراً بتركيا.

المنامة، ,البحرين April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — وقعت شركة زاجل للاتصالات (شركة اتصالات فرعية بالكويت مملوكة بالكامل لمجموعة كلام تيليكوم) اتفاقية استراتيجية طويلة الأمد مع الشركة العامة للاتصالات والمعلوماتية في العراق تحت رعاية وحضور معالي وزيرة الاتصالات الدكتورة هيام الياسري حيث تقوم هذه الاتفاقية على إنشاء مسار “كلام العراق ترانزيت”، أول مسار أرضي بديل لحركة الاتصالات للشركات الكبيرة والشركات الناقلة العالمية لتوجيه تدفق البيانات الخاصة بها إلى أوروبا عبر العراق مروراً بتركيا.

وفي هذا السياق علّقت معالي الوزيرة الدكتورة هيام الياسري، بأن هذا المشروع وغيره من المشاريع المشابهة الجاري تنفيذها حالياً، ستجعل من العراق ممراً برياً آمناً ومنافساً للممر البحري الدولي الوحيد للكوابل الدولية في المنطقة الذي يمر عبر قناة السويس إلى أوروبا.

توفر شركة كلام حلولاً شاملة أخرى من خلال الاستفادة من الأصول المملوكة لها، بما في ذلك نظام الكابلات الأرضية المملوك لها بنسبة ١٠٠٪ الذي يربط دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي (KNOT)، بالإضافة إلى المساهمة بنظام الكابلات البحرية التابع لاتحاد بوابة الهند أوروبا(EIG) . توفر إضافة هذا المسار الفريد خيارات أسرع بزمن أقل، مرونة أكبر، درجة أمان أعلى، موثوقية، وأداء أفضل من خلال تحسين التناظر، وعبور بروتوكول الإنترنت لمشغلي دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. كما يعالج نظام كابلات “كلام العراق ترانزيت” الفريد المخاطر الجيوسياسية وقيود السعة، مما يوفر طريقًا أكثر كفاءة، بينما يقدم للعملاء خيارات اتصال متنوعة بالخليج العربي. بالإضافة لذلك، كما ساهم حصول شركة زاجل على ترخيص من الهيئة العامة للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات بالكويت على خلق المزيد من نقاط القوة حيث يتجنب هذا المسار نقاط الاختناق الشائعة ومشكلات الصيانة التي تتحدى الكابلات البحرية الأخرى عبر البحر الأحمر، والتي يمكن أن تسبب بفقدان بيانات الشركات عند الربط بين الخليج العربي وأوروبا.

ومن جهته أضاف نزار محمد الساعي، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة كلام، “يمثل هذا الاستثمار الاستراتيجي قفزة كبيرة في توسعنا في السوق الإقليمية والعالمية. نحن نبني شركة كلام لتصبح مركزًا قويًا، والشريك المفضل للبيانات والحلول الرقمية. نسعى لنبقى في الطليعة عن طريق القيام باستثمارات استراتيجية، واحتضان التطورات، والتعامل مع المتغيرات الجيوسياسية بخفة، حيث نوفر خيارات متنوعة من المسارات لتمكين الشركات والمشغلين من اختيار المسار المثالي للاتصال السلس والأداء الأمثل.”

Noorah AlJadda


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9091955

Zajil Telecom, a Kalaam Telecom Group company, signed a strategic partnership with Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company to create an alternate route for operators to connect the GCC into Europe via Iraq

Zajil Telecom, a Kalaam Telecom Group company, signed a strategic partnership with Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company to create an alternate route for operators to connect the GCC into Europe via Iraq
Zajil Telecom (Zajil Telecom, a wholly owned subsidiary in Kuwait of Kalaam Telecom Group), signed a long-term strategic agreement with the Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company (ITPC) under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri. This agreement establishes “Kalaam Iraq Transit,” the first official 100% terrestrial alternative route for large enterprises, hyperscalers, and global carriers to route their data traffic from the GCC to Europe transiting Iraq across Turkey.

MANAMA, Bahrain, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zajil Telecom (Zajil Telecom, a wholly owned subsidiary in Kuwait of Kalaam Telecom Group), signed a long-term strategic agreement with the Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company (ITPC) under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri. This agreement establishes “Kalaam Iraq Transit,” the first official 100% terrestrial alternative route for large enterprises, hyperscalers, and global carriers to route their data traffic from the GCC to Europe transiting Iraq across Turkey.

Her Excellency the Minister, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri, commented that this project and other similar projects that are currently underway will make Iraq a safe land corridor and a competitor to the only international maritime corridor in the region that passes through the Suez Canal.

Kalaam offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, leveraging its owned assets like the 100% terrestrial KNOT cable system and its participation in the EIG consortium’s submarine network. The recently added “Kalaam Iraq Transit” stands out with its unique route, delivering the lowest latency, enhanced resiliency, security, reliability, and overall performance. This innovative new route addresses geopolitical risks and capacity constraints, providing a more efficient and reliable path for customers with expanded connectivity options. This along with Zajil’s landing license in Kuwait, in collaboration with CITRA, bypasses common chokepoints and avoids maintenance issues challenging other Red Sea cables, to ensure consistent performance and prevent data loss for businesses connecting the GCC to Europe.

Nezar Mohammad Al Saie, Chairman of Kalaam said, “This strategic investment marks a significant leap in our regional & global market expansion. We’re building Kalaam into a powerhouse, the go-to partner for data and digital solutions. We stay ahead of the curve, making strategic investments, embracing advancements, and navigating geopolitical changes with agility. Our diverse route options empower businesses, operators and hyperscalers to choose the perfect path for seamless connectivity & optimized performance.”

Kalaam provides other comprehensive solutions by leveraging its owned assets, including the 100% terrestrial KNOT cable system, and the EIG consortium submarine cable system.

Contact Information
Name: Noorah AlJadda
Number: +97336650663
Email: N.aljadda@kalaam-telecom.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/19fb5850-9214-4954-9398-ca97f03691ff

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9091955

Zajil Telecom, a Kalaam Telecom Group company, signed a strategic partnership with Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company to create an alternate route for operators to connect the GCC into Europe via Iraq

Zajil Telecom, a Kalaam Telecom Group company, signed a strategic partnership with Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company to create an alternate route for operators to connect the GCC into Europe via Iraq
Zajil Telecom (Zajil Telecom, a wholly owned subsidiary in Kuwait of Kalaam Telecom Group), signed a long-term strategic agreement with the Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company (ITPC) under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri. This agreement establishes “Kalaam Iraq Transit,” the first official 100% terrestrial alternative route for large enterprises, hyperscalers, and global carriers to route their data traffic from the GCC to Europe transiting Iraq across Turkey.

MANAMA, Bahrain, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zajil Telecom (Zajil Telecom, a wholly owned subsidiary in Kuwait of Kalaam Telecom Group), signed a long-term strategic agreement with the Iraqi Informatics & Telecommunication Public Company (ITPC) under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Communications, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri. This agreement establishes “Kalaam Iraq Transit,” the first official 100% terrestrial alternative route for large enterprises, hyperscalers, and global carriers to route their data traffic from the GCC to Europe transiting Iraq across Turkey.

Her Excellency the Minister, Dr. Hiyam Al Yasiri, commented that this project and other similar projects that are currently underway will make Iraq a safe land corridor and a competitor to the only international maritime corridor in the region that passes through the Suez Canal.

Kalaam offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, leveraging its owned assets like the 100% terrestrial KNOT cable system and its participation in the EIG consortium’s submarine network. The recently added “Kalaam Iraq Transit” stands out with its unique route, delivering the lowest latency, enhanced resiliency, security, reliability, and overall performance. This innovative new route addresses geopolitical risks and capacity constraints, providing a more efficient and reliable path for customers with expanded connectivity options. This along with Zajil’s landing license in Kuwait, in collaboration with CITRA, bypasses common chokepoints and avoids maintenance issues challenging other Red Sea cables, to ensure consistent performance and prevent data loss for businesses connecting the GCC to Europe.

Nezar Mohammad Al Saie, Chairman of Kalaam said, “This strategic investment marks a significant leap in our regional & global market expansion. We’re building Kalaam into a powerhouse, the go-to partner for data and digital solutions. We stay ahead of the curve, making strategic investments, embracing advancements, and navigating geopolitical changes with agility. Our diverse route options empower businesses, operators and hyperscalers to choose the perfect path for seamless connectivity & optimized performance.”

Kalaam provides other comprehensive solutions by leveraging its owned assets, including the 100% terrestrial KNOT cable system, and the EIG consortium submarine cable system.

Contact Information
Name: Noorah AlJadda
Number: +97336650663
Email: N.aljadda@kalaam-telecom.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/19fb5850-9214-4954-9398-ca97f03691ff

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9091955

Anaqua Transforms Foreign Patent Filing into a Strategic Advantage for Intellectual Property Professionals

BOSTON, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology for corporations, law firms and governments, announces advancements in its Foreign Filing offering, enhancing the capabilities of its IP management platform, AQX®. Anaqua has shifted the paradigm of foreign filing for IP professionals from a burdensome set of manual administrative tasks to a strategic and automated differentiator, powering rapid decision-making for global IP protection.

In today’s competitive landscape, global IP practitioners understand the critical importance of protecting their innovation and inventions across borders. Anaqua’s advanced Foreign Filing within AQX offers a centralized ecosystem that addresses every aspect of the foreign filing lifecycle. On the AQX platform, customers can now utilize a decision workspace supported by competitive dashboards, foreign filing-specific reports, and online quoting to develop, execute, track, and manage their foreign filings. IP professionals can access a network of expert jurisdictional associates and translation providers to further improve the filing processes with transparent pricing and visibility into the process.

“Global businesses face increasing challenges in safeguarding their intellectual assets amidst rising innovation costs and intensifying competition,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. “At Anaqua, we have taken foreign filing far beyond any traditional provider. Our fully integrated solution drives clients’ efficiency and effectiveness, empowering IP professionals to navigate the complexities of global IP protection with confidence. Our clients are sharing our vision and our filing volume from the first quarter of 2024 has already surpassed our full-year filing volume for 2023.”

Through Anaqua’s enhanced Foreign Filing, IP professionals now have access to an end-to-end solution that not only streamlines the filing process, but also ensures transparency, cost-effectiveness, and peace of mind.

For more information about Anaqua’s Foreign Filing offering, please visit: anaqua.com/services/foreign-patent-filing/.

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on Anaqua’s LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9091488

Unveiling the 8th Future Investment Initiative’s theme: “Infinite Horizons: Investing Today, Shaping Tomorrow”

FII 8th Edition Main Thematic Visual
fii8 concept theme

FII 8th Edition Main Thematic Visual

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is excited to announce the theme for its upcoming 8th edition of the FII conference, scheduled for October 29-31, 2024, at the prestigious King Abdulaziz International Conference Centre (KAICC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Under the captivating theme ‘Infinite Horizons: investing today, shaping tomorrow’, FII8 will ignite discussions on how investment can serve as a catalyst for a prosperous and sustainable future, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for humanity.

FII8 promises to be a melting pot of innovative ideas, bringing together global leaders, entrepreneurs, political leaders, media and decision-makers in finance, AI, sustainability, energy, geoeconomics, space and beyond. By focusing on the theme of ‘Infinite Horizons’, this year’s conference will challenge attendees to think beyond conventional limits and explore investment opportunities that can bridge current challenges with future possibilities.

Richard Attias, CEO and board member of FII Institute, emphasized the significance of the theme, stating that “Infinite Horizons is not just a theme; it’s a clarion call to expand our collective vision and embrace the limitless prospects of the future. It embodies our commitment to driving conversations that lead to a future where investment knows no bounds and works towards a better tomorrow for all.”

FII8, organized by the FII Institute, founded by PIF, will adopt an innovative format as an exclusive week for FII Institute members, invited delegates, and strategic partners. Discussions at the conference will be data-driven, ensuring that insights are grounded in facts and actionable strategies.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Phone: +966 53 978 2030

Email: Media@fii-institute.org

The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is a global non-profit foundation dedicated to making an impact on humanity. Through our investment arm, we champion innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics, Education, Healthcare, and Sustainability, transforming ideas into real-world solutions.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/fc52762c-6e57-4254-a6df-7f3b4af1c61b

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000935387

Duck Creek Hosts Annual One Duck Creek Summit to Build Connection, Belonging and Community

COLUMBIA, S.C., April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, hosts its One Duck Creek Summit in Columbia, South Carolina, bringing employees together from across the globe. Attendees are recognized for their roles in the many councils and programs that help Duck Creek create a culture of excellence in insurance and technology.

The diverse group will convene over the next two days to discuss the past year’s goals and objectives and plan for the future to continue enhancing Duck Creek’s award-winning culture. Duck Creek endeavors to foster a culture of belonging and respect, where every voice is heard and valued.

“As a global company, we recognize the importance of having a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the communities and customers we serve,” said Amy Bayer, Global Director of DE&I, Engagement & Culture at Duck Creek. “We believe our DE&I programs are imperative for our employees, but also a strategic advantage that enables us to innovate, collaborate, and deliver better solutions for our clients. The One Duck Creek Summit is a great opportunity to celebrate our achievements, share best practices, and inspire each other to continue building a great culture.”

The Summit kicks off with Mike Jackowski, Chief Executive Officer of Duck Creek Technologies. Jackowski will highlight the importance of promoting strong company values that focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI&B) and a positive employee experience. The Summit also features keynote speakers which empower employees to connect and learn about other successful workplaces and cultures.

“We are proud to recognize and celebrate the different backgrounds, ideas and experiences our employees bring to Duck Creek,” said Courtney Townsend, Chief People Officer at Duck Creek Technologies. “Nurturing an environment of belonging and inclusion is the foundation of an exceptional employee experience and a source of competitive advantage and innovation. Our flexible-first, global workplace allows us to attract and retain the best talent, regardless of location, and empowers our employees to work in ways that suit their preferences and needs.”

One of the highlights of the annual summit is a social impact event. This year, Duck Creek has partnered with Ronald McDonald House Charities in Columbia. Summit attendees will support their Pack-a-Smile program, offering close family members of children receiving care at local hospitals a quick, nutritious bagged lunch. This allows family members not to have to leave the bedside or wonder when or where their next meal will come from.

About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit www.duckcreek.com to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and X.

Media Contacts:
Dennis Dougherty

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9090905

At Our Ocean Conference, Global Fishing Watch welcomes international partnerships to enhance ocean management

Key collaborations will bolster fisheries governance through greater transparency, data-sharing and policy reform

ATHENS, Greece, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Fishing Watch, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through transparency of human activity at sea, has announced three pioneering collaborations with Greece, Panama and the West African Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) in a bid to harness technology and data-driven solutions for enhanced transparency, improved fisheries management and greater ocean sustainability.

The partnerships, unveiled at the 9th Our Ocean Conference held in Athens, Greece, will leverage open data to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, promote sustainable fisheries management and enable marine protection through deepened engagement with governmental bodies spanning three continents. In addition, they will provide Global Fishing Watch the opportunity to highlight transparency as a critical marine management tool and advance policy reforms regarding the adoption of vessel tracking methods like automatic identification systems (AIS) and vessel monitoring systems (VMS), as well as regional data sharing practices.

Today’s announcements mark a milestone in our collaborative efforts to mobilize open data and technology in the fight against illegal fishing and toward improved global fisheries management,” said Tony Long, chief executive officer of Global Fishing Watch. “More importantly, our expanding network of partnerships shows that governments and multilateral institutions are increasingly recognizing the role Global Fishing Watch can play in achieving better and more transparent ocean governance.”

Collaborative partnerships, political will and open data can drive tangible impact and help deliver lasting results for a sustainable ocean future for all,” Mr. Long added. 

Leveraging Technology for Ocean Action

Presented at an official conference side event co-hosted by Greece, the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation and Global Fishing Watch, the partnership with Greece commits authorities to utilizing Global Fishing Watch’s platform, which provides visualizations and analysis of fishing activity, for critical support in bolstering the country’s marine protection efforts.

Greece commits to establishing a scientific monitoring and surveillance system for all its marine protected areas that will be supported with advanced monitoring techniques and digital tools, such as remote sensing and automatic communication with sea vessels,” Dr. Petros Varelidis, Secretary-General for Natural Environment and Waters of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, confirmed. “The support of Global Fishing Watch and the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation will enable us to monitor fishing activity in near real-time.”

A ‘significant step forward’ against IUU fishing

The Our Ocean Conference also welcomed a new partnership between Global Fishing Watch and the seven West African SRFC Member States comprising Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea- Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone. Through the new three-year agreement with SRFC, Global Fishing Watch will support Member States with analysis and generated insights to inform targeted monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) actions, bolstering countries’ abilities to manage activity in their waters and safeguard livelihoods and regional economic and environmental ecosystems.

The 5,500 kilometer coastline of West Africa is home to some of the most diverse fisheries in the world and maritime activity plays a key role across the region. Indeed, fisheries and aquaculture directly contribute US$24 billion to the African economy, with the demand for fish expected to increase by 30 percent by 2030. Inadequate monitoring and enforcement, however, have led to rampant IUU fishing, with nearly 40 percent of fish caught illegally, resulting in substantial economic losses and environmental degradation.

The collaboration with Global Fishing Watch represents a significant step forward in the fight against illegal fishing in West Africa,” said Dr. Khallahi Brahim, Permanent Secretary of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission. “By joining forces, Global Fishing Watch and the SRFC can help transform fisheries governance, protect marine resources and secure the livelihoods of millions of people dependent on the fishing industry.”

The new partnership will work to ensure that SRFC Member States are fully equipped for better cooperation, monitoring and compliance, and also help establish cross-cutting initiatives with key stakeholders in ocean governance. The collaboration will pave the way for policy reforms and seek to establish AIS usage and data sharing as central pillars of SRFC Member States’ governance practices. It will also support government agencies in developing and retaining capacity to harness data and technology to strengthen management, including MCS, enforcement and marine protection.

Charting a new era of ocean governance

Global Fishing Watch’s activity on the margins of the Our Ocean Conference also saw the renewal of an ongoing collaboration with the Government of Panama, first launched in 2019, aimed at building an improved, collaborative framework for data-sharing and policy development.

The updated agreement reflects a deepened relationship between the two parties and a growing commitment to fisheries transparency. Supplementing the VMS data of its vast international fleet, which has been visible on the Global Fishing Watch map since October 2019, Panama will now share vessel data from its list of international licenses, including fishing licenses, areas of operation and information related to fishing support vessels. Over the next five years, Global Fishing Watch will also provide technical and data-driven assessments for the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama to help inform national policies and regulations related to fisheries management.

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the memorandum of understanding with Global Fishing Watch in our tireless fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,” said Hamed Tuñón, General Administrator, Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama. “Our strengthened alliance reflects the continued commitment of both parties to protecting our oceans and preserving their biodiversity. Together, we will continue to use innovative technology and collaborative strategies to ensure the sustainability of our valuable marine resources.”

Now, more than ever, the global community must rally behind landmark initiatives to protect our ocean, combat harmful practices, and achieve ambitious conservation targets such as safeguarding at least 30 percent of the ocean by 2030,” Mr. Long concluded.Achieving these critical commitments will be virtually impossible without Global Fishing Watch’s innovative ocean monitoring technology and expertise.”


Kimberly Vosburgh
Global Fishing Watch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9090876

At Our Ocean Conference, Global Fishing Watch welcomes international partnerships to enhance ocean management

Key collaborations will bolster fisheries governance through greater transparency, data-sharing and policy reform

ATHENS, Greece, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Fishing Watch, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through transparency of human activity at sea, has announced three pioneering collaborations with Greece, Panama and the West African Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) in a bid to harness technology and data-driven solutions for enhanced transparency, improved fisheries management and greater ocean sustainability.

The partnerships, unveiled at the 9th Our Ocean Conference held in Athens, Greece, will leverage open data to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, promote sustainable fisheries management and enable marine protection through deepened engagement with governmental bodies spanning three continents. In addition, they will provide Global Fishing Watch the opportunity to highlight transparency as a critical marine management tool and advance policy reforms regarding the adoption of vessel tracking methods like automatic identification systems (AIS) and vessel monitoring systems (VMS), as well as regional data sharing practices.

Today’s announcements mark a milestone in our collaborative efforts to mobilize open data and technology in the fight against illegal fishing and toward improved global fisheries management,” said Tony Long, chief executive officer of Global Fishing Watch. “More importantly, our expanding network of partnerships shows that governments and multilateral institutions are increasingly recognizing the role Global Fishing Watch can play in achieving better and more transparent ocean governance.”

Collaborative partnerships, political will and open data can drive tangible impact and help deliver lasting results for a sustainable ocean future for all,” Mr. Long added. 

Leveraging Technology for Ocean Action

Presented at an official conference side event co-hosted by Greece, the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation and Global Fishing Watch, the partnership with Greece commits authorities to utilizing Global Fishing Watch’s platform, which provides visualizations and analysis of fishing activity, for critical support in bolstering the country’s marine protection efforts.

Greece commits to establishing a scientific monitoring and surveillance system for all its marine protected areas that will be supported with advanced monitoring techniques and digital tools, such as remote sensing and automatic communication with sea vessels,” Dr. Petros Varelidis, Secretary-General for Natural Environment and Waters of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, confirmed. “The support of Global Fishing Watch and the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation will enable us to monitor fishing activity in near real-time.”

A ‘significant step forward’ against IUU fishing

The Our Ocean Conference also welcomed a new partnership between Global Fishing Watch and the seven West African SRFC Member States comprising Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea- Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone. Through the new three-year agreement with SRFC, Global Fishing Watch will support Member States with analysis and generated insights to inform targeted monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) actions, bolstering countries’ abilities to manage activity in their waters and safeguard livelihoods and regional economic and environmental ecosystems.

The 5,500 kilometer coastline of West Africa is home to some of the most diverse fisheries in the world and maritime activity plays a key role across the region. Indeed, fisheries and aquaculture directly contribute US$24 billion to the African economy, with the demand for fish expected to increase by 30 percent by 2030. Inadequate monitoring and enforcement, however, have led to rampant IUU fishing, with nearly 40 percent of fish caught illegally, resulting in substantial economic losses and environmental degradation.

The collaboration with Global Fishing Watch represents a significant step forward in the fight against illegal fishing in West Africa,” said Dr. Khallahi Brahim, Permanent Secretary of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission. “By joining forces, Global Fishing Watch and the SRFC can help transform fisheries governance, protect marine resources and secure the livelihoods of millions of people dependent on the fishing industry.”

The new partnership will work to ensure that SRFC Member States are fully equipped for better cooperation, monitoring and compliance, and also help establish cross-cutting initiatives with key stakeholders in ocean governance. The collaboration will pave the way for policy reforms and seek to establish AIS usage and data sharing as central pillars of SRFC Member States’ governance practices. It will also support government agencies in developing and retaining capacity to harness data and technology to strengthen management, including MCS, enforcement and marine protection.

Charting a new era of ocean governance

Global Fishing Watch’s activity on the margins of the Our Ocean Conference also saw the renewal of an ongoing collaboration with the Government of Panama, first launched in 2019, aimed at building an improved, collaborative framework for data-sharing and policy development.

The updated agreement reflects a deepened relationship between the two parties and a growing commitment to fisheries transparency. Supplementing the VMS data of its vast international fleet, which has been visible on the Global Fishing Watch map since October 2019, Panama will now share vessel data from its list of international licenses, including fishing licenses, areas of operation and information related to fishing support vessels. Over the next five years, Global Fishing Watch will also provide technical and data-driven assessments for the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama to help inform national policies and regulations related to fisheries management.

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the memorandum of understanding with Global Fishing Watch in our tireless fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,” said Hamed Tuñón, General Administrator, Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama. “Our strengthened alliance reflects the continued commitment of both parties to protecting our oceans and preserving their biodiversity. Together, we will continue to use innovative technology and collaborative strategies to ensure the sustainability of our valuable marine resources.”

Now, more than ever, the global community must rally behind landmark initiatives to protect our ocean, combat harmful practices, and achieve ambitious conservation targets such as safeguarding at least 30 percent of the ocean by 2030,” Mr. Long concluded.Achieving these critical commitments will be virtually impossible without Global Fishing Watch’s innovative ocean monitoring technology and expertise.”


Kimberly Vosburgh
Global Fishing Watch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9090876

At Our Ocean Conference, Global Fishing Watch welcomes international partnerships to enhance ocean management

Key collaborations will bolster fisheries governance through greater transparency, data-sharing and policy reform

ATHENS, Greece, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Fishing Watch, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through transparency of human activity at sea, has announced three pioneering collaborations with Greece, Panama and the West African Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) in a bid to harness technology and data-driven solutions for enhanced transparency, improved fisheries management and greater ocean sustainability.

The partnerships, unveiled at the 9th Our Ocean Conference held in Athens, Greece, will leverage open data to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, promote sustainable fisheries management and enable marine protection through deepened engagement with governmental bodies spanning three continents. In addition, they will provide Global Fishing Watch the opportunity to highlight transparency as a critical marine management tool and advance policy reforms regarding the adoption of vessel tracking methods like automatic identification systems (AIS) and vessel monitoring systems (VMS), as well as regional data sharing practices.

Today’s announcements mark a milestone in our collaborative efforts to mobilize open data and technology in the fight against illegal fishing and toward improved global fisheries management,” said Tony Long, chief executive officer of Global Fishing Watch. “More importantly, our expanding network of partnerships shows that governments and multilateral institutions are increasingly recognizing the role Global Fishing Watch can play in achieving better and more transparent ocean governance.”

Collaborative partnerships, political will and open data can drive tangible impact and help deliver lasting results for a sustainable ocean future for all,” Mr. Long added. 

Leveraging Technology for Ocean Action

Presented at an official conference side event co-hosted by Greece, the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation and Global Fishing Watch, the partnership with Greece commits authorities to utilizing Global Fishing Watch’s platform, which provides visualizations and analysis of fishing activity, for critical support in bolstering the country’s marine protection efforts.

Greece commits to establishing a scientific monitoring and surveillance system for all its marine protected areas that will be supported with advanced monitoring techniques and digital tools, such as remote sensing and automatic communication with sea vessels,” Dr. Petros Varelidis, Secretary-General for Natural Environment and Waters of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, confirmed. “The support of Global Fishing Watch and the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation will enable us to monitor fishing activity in near real-time.”

A ‘significant step forward’ against IUU fishing

The Our Ocean Conference also welcomed a new partnership between Global Fishing Watch and the seven West African SRFC Member States comprising Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea- Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone. Through the new three-year agreement with SRFC, Global Fishing Watch will support Member States with analysis and generated insights to inform targeted monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) actions, bolstering countries’ abilities to manage activity in their waters and safeguard livelihoods and regional economic and environmental ecosystems.

The 5,500 kilometer coastline of West Africa is home to some of the most diverse fisheries in the world and maritime activity plays a key role across the region. Indeed, fisheries and aquaculture directly contribute US$24 billion to the African economy, with the demand for fish expected to increase by 30 percent by 2030. Inadequate monitoring and enforcement, however, have led to rampant IUU fishing, with nearly 40 percent of fish caught illegally, resulting in substantial economic losses and environmental degradation.

The collaboration with Global Fishing Watch represents a significant step forward in the fight against illegal fishing in West Africa,” said Dr. Khallahi Brahim, Permanent Secretary of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission. “By joining forces, Global Fishing Watch and the SRFC can help transform fisheries governance, protect marine resources and secure the livelihoods of millions of people dependent on the fishing industry.”

The new partnership will work to ensure that SRFC Member States are fully equipped for better cooperation, monitoring and compliance, and also help establish cross-cutting initiatives with key stakeholders in ocean governance. The collaboration will pave the way for policy reforms and seek to establish AIS usage and data sharing as central pillars of SRFC Member States’ governance practices. It will also support government agencies in developing and retaining capacity to harness data and technology to strengthen management, including MCS, enforcement and marine protection.

Charting a new era of ocean governance

Global Fishing Watch’s activity on the margins of the Our Ocean Conference also saw the renewal of an ongoing collaboration with the Government of Panama, first launched in 2019, aimed at building an improved, collaborative framework for data-sharing and policy development.

The updated agreement reflects a deepened relationship between the two parties and a growing commitment to fisheries transparency. Supplementing the VMS data of its vast international fleet, which has been visible on the Global Fishing Watch map since October 2019, Panama will now share vessel data from its list of international licenses, including fishing licenses, areas of operation and information related to fishing support vessels. Over the next five years, Global Fishing Watch will also provide technical and data-driven assessments for the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama to help inform national policies and regulations related to fisheries management.

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the memorandum of understanding with Global Fishing Watch in our tireless fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,” said Hamed Tuñón, General Administrator, Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama. “Our strengthened alliance reflects the continued commitment of both parties to protecting our oceans and preserving their biodiversity. Together, we will continue to use innovative technology and collaborative strategies to ensure the sustainability of our valuable marine resources.”

Now, more than ever, the global community must rally behind landmark initiatives to protect our ocean, combat harmful practices, and achieve ambitious conservation targets such as safeguarding at least 30 percent of the ocean by 2030,” Mr. Long concluded.Achieving these critical commitments will be virtually impossible without Global Fishing Watch’s innovative ocean monitoring technology and expertise.”


Kimberly Vosburgh
Global Fishing Watch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9090876